• Foster Recruitment Case Study 2

    Orange County Foster Care Network
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Orange County Foster Care Network

The development of a digital recruitment program
generated a strong online presence for this
county-operated foster agency

The Challenge:

The agency’s foster parent recruitment efforts were solely focused on traditional media. Their online presence was limited to a small section within the county government’s website. The agency needed to find new ways to recruit prospective foster parents, as well as ways for prospective foster parents to find the agency.

The Approach:

Develop a digital recruitment plan to …

  • Drive those looking to become a foster parent to the website with a focus on converting to an inquiry.
  • Illustrate the agency as being “with the times” and technologically savvy.
  • Try new and innovated avenues for advertising to audiences previously unreached.

The Solution:

A digital program to target prospective foster parents within the county utilizing…

  • A brand new website separate and apart from the county government website.
  • Online pay-per-click advertising campaigns, both text and image based, to target our ads to locals searching online for information about adoption or foster care.
  • A database that imported all web form submissions through our website into a follow-up program to schedule foster parents for information sessions with the agency.
  • A “lead nurturing” email promotion program to ensure any unconverted digital inquiries are reminded of becoming a foster parent on a bi-weekly basis and stay informed until the time is right.

The Result:

After launching the new website, over 50% of all inquiries can be traced back to a digital source.  Google pay-per-click advertising accounted for an initial 20% increase in website traffic. After a full year, traffic increase by 34%.

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